Category Musings

Edward Snowden, hero or villain?

It’s been exactly a year since the NSA contractor Edward Snowden made his now infamous leaks of classified US military documents. Since June 5th 2013, there has been a lot of debate as to if his actions were those of a hero or a villain and depending on what side of the privacy bracket you […]

New year, old habits

Happy new year (or as the Nigerian government will call it) time to sneak in controversial policies. I can’t believe it has been 22days already: time does fly when you’re having fun. How are we doing with our resolutions? Has everyone failed yet? This year I had only one: live in a place long enough […]

Sometimes I imagine I am a good writer…

I dreamt that I was going to be an author…a successful one. That was my biggest dream growing up. I thought nothing could be more awesome and gangster than writing books for a living. Eventually, I decided I was also going to be a soccer player, lawyer and scantily the president of my country. Lately, […]


He put her on a pedestal In front of God and man. He put a ring on her finger Before her family and his. He put his body in hers, Sealing them in holy matrimony. She put her life on hold Before fame and fortune, he first. He started putting her through hell with words, […]


Legend has it that my mother never wanted kids and till this day, it remains a puzzle to me how she eventually had four. My uncles and aunts love to gist us hilarious stories of how mother tried to get rid of not one, two, but three of them (excluding yours truly of course) before […]


As a Nigerian, I believe that part our bigger problem is that we are uninformed about issues. Even the educated ones know more about the happenings of the EPL, the celebrities on E! and the wanna be’s in BigBrother house than about the issues and policies that directly affects us as Nigerians. Our reading culture […]


If you’re trendy in Abuja, there’s no way you’ll not have heard about Designer’s Market Place. Its a once in a month event where all the Designers or those who sell designer labels turn out their goods in an open, party-like event. There’s a lot to love there especially the open stalls. You can just […]


There are mornings when I wake up and I’m very sad, truly depressed. I think of the state of my country and the rut we’re stuck in. I think of the extreme poverty and suffering knowing that it can be stopped by a few. Then I think of my helplessness, how little I can do […]


by Azeenarh Mohammed (@xeenarh) (closeted optimist, provocative writer) I have expressed my displeasure at the same-sex bill again and again but I think it is time I put my name and signature to it. The battle lines have been drawn and I have accepted the mantle. I know that this article will get me a whole […]